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Mr Valmonte's Maths Page

A-Level Specifications

Further Statistics 1 OBJECTIVES
Discrete Random Variables
Find the expected value of a discrete random variable X
Find the expected value of X^2
Find the variance of a discrete random variable
Use the expected value and variance of a function X
Solve problems involving random variables
Poisson Distribution
Use the Poisson distribution to model real-world situations
Use the additive property of the Poisson distribution
Understand and use the mean and variance of the Poisson distribution
Understand and use the mean and variance of the binomial distribution
Use the Poisson distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution
Geometric and Negative Binomial Distribution
Understand and use the geometric distribution
Calculate and use the mean and variance of the geometric distribution
Understand and use the negative binomial distribution
Calculate and use the mean and variance of the negative binomial distribution
Hypothesis Testing
Use hypothesis tests to test for the mean of a Poisson distribution
Find critical regions of a Poisson distribution using tables
Use hypothesis tests to test for the parameter p in a geometric distribution
Find critical regions of a geometric distribution
Central Limit Theorem
Understand and apply the central limit theorem to approximate the sample mean of a random variable, X
Apply the central limit theorem to other distributions
Chi-Squared Tests
Form hypothesis about how well a distribution fits as a model for an observed frequency distribution and measure goodness of fit of a model to observed data
Understand degrees of freedom and use the chi-squared (X^2) family of distributions
Be able to test a hypothesis
Apply goodness-of-fit tests to discrete data
Use contingency tables
Apply goodness-of-fit tests to geometric distributions
Probability Generating Functions
Understand the use of probability generating functions
Use probability generating functions for standard distributions
Use probability generating functions to find the mean and variance distribution
Know the probability generating function of the sum of independent random variables
Quality of Tests
know about Type I and Type II errors
Find Type I and Type II errors using the normal distribution
Calculate the size and power of a test
Draw a graph of the power function for a test
Further Statistics 2 OBJECTIVES
Linear Regression
Calculate the equation of a regression line using raw data or summary statistics
Use coding to find the equation of a regression line
Calculate residuals and use them to test for linear fit and identify outliers
Calculate re residual sum of squares (RSS)
Calculate the value of the product moment correlation coefficient
Understand the effect of coding on it and understand the conditions for its use
Calculate and interpret Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
Carry out hypothesis tests for zero correlation using either Spearman correlation coefficient rank or the product moment correlation coefficient
Continuous Distributions
Understand and use the probability density function for a continuous random variable
Understand and use the cumulative distribution function for continuous random variable
Find the mean, variance, mode, median and percentiles of a continuous random variable and describe the skewness
Understand, use and model situations using the continuous uniform distribution
Combinations of Random Variables
Find the distribution of linear combinations of normal random variables
Solve modelling problems involving combinations of normal random variables
Estimation, Confidence Intervals and Tests using a Normal Distribution
Understand and use estimates and estimators
Undestand bias
Find the standard error
Calculate and use confidence intervals for population parameters
Carry out hypothesis tests for the difference between the means of two normally distributed random variables with known variances
Carry out hypothesis tests using large sample results in cases where the population variance is unknown
Further Hypothesis Tests
Find a confidence interval for the variance of a normal distribution
Conduct a hypothesis test for the variance of a normal distribution
Understand and use the F-distribution
Carry out na F-test to test whether two independent random variables are from normal distributions with equal variances
Confidence Intervals and Tests using the t-distribution
Find a confidence interval for the mean of a normal with unknown variance
Conduct a hypothesis test for the mean of a normal distribution with unknown variance
Carry out a paired t-test
Find a confidence interval for the difference between two means from independent normal distributions with equal but unknown variances
Conduct a hypothesis test for the difference between two means from independent normal distributions with equal but unknown variances
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